Cadernos PROARQ

Editorial Proposal

The PROARQ Papers are open to submissions of original national and foreign papers which provide a real contribution to the construction of knowledge in Architecture and Urbanism. Exceptionally, articles on related areas may be accepted, provided that they contribute, even if transversally, to the enrichment of discussions regarding the generation of knowledge in our field.

In relation to the theme, up to journal 13, the PROARQ Papers defined specific themes for the organization of the articles published, alternating, whenever possible, the focus regarding the sub-areas of research in Architecture & Urbanism. However, the last four issues were marked by openness to all contributions in Architecture & Urbanism, shunning thematic guidance. By doing so, we seek not to divide architecture into watertight compartments, but to combine the various elements of a research, finding the thread that binds them and justifies their presence in the selected articles.

Moreover, it is hoped, that this measure will bring out a more realistic and current portrait of the trends in research in our area and also in related areas. In fact, contemporaneity is very dynamic and the vehicles that seek to keep up with this dynamism must be open to the opportunity of receiving innovative contributions, which may perhaps point to new directions in Architecture & Urbanism research.


The structure of the PROARQ Papers currently consists of:

  • Editorial
  • Anchor article written by a guest author among the experts with internationally recognized competence in the areas of Architecture, Urban Planning and Urban Design. Such articles are original, written exclusively for the PROARQ Papers OR selected paper from the approved ones
  • Unpublished scientific articles selected by a qualified scientific committee (abstracts and keywords in two languages + original texts)
  • Review sections / summaries of thesis and defended papers - intermittent section.

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